7 – 11 June 2018
Image of Special Men's Breakfast

Dates available are Thursday 7th June at 8:15am-9:00am or Friday 8th June at 8:15am-9:00am or Monday 11th June at 8:15am-9:00am.

Please send in your reply slips with your child stating the preferred date you would like to attend.

Please note, only one ‘special man’ per family may attend. If you have children in both key stages, you may choose one event to attend and bring your children from both key stages with you.  There are a set number of tickets for each day and will therefore be allocated on a first come first served basis for each of the days.

Please note; due to Health and Safety, unfortunately we will be unable to accommodate siblings that do not attend the school. We are sure that we have your understanding and support in ensuring the safety of all children at all times.